In this talk, recorded at the Sydney Town Hall for the Buddhist-run Happiness & Its Causes Conference, Sydney, 2012, Reverend Dr Stephanie Dowrick challenges – with considerable gentleness and strength – some of our familiar ideas about happiness, and invites us to a greater vision not of happiness only, but also of safety, justice and peace. “Are we spiritually ambitious enough?” she asks. And then she encourages us to care far, far more. You can share your comments on this powerful talk on Stephanie Dowrick’s Facebook page.
You can also share this link with your own networks to spread a message of happiness that can reduce suffering; you can be the cause of happiness for others – even sometimes in the face of grief and sorrow – because happiness is not just pleasure, joy and fun, it is also a state of aliveness, wholeness and even holiness that has abundant room for compassion, forgiveness and great tenderness.
The talk is introduced by television commentator and author, Jessica Rowe.