Stephanie Dorwick | Author | Your Name Is Not Anxious

Books by Stephanie Dowrick

Dr Stephanie Dowrick’s multi-award-winning writing has been published in many editions, including translations, and is widely available as e-books and print editions. Plus, audio editions.

English language print/e-book editions:

For PRINT editions of Stephanie Dowricks books, we urge you to support your local bookstoresStephanie Dowrick’s books are widely available in print and e-book editions via ALL online sellers.

Some Stephanie Dowrick books are available in audio, read by the author.

For Your Name is Not Anxious: Audible   Apple

For Intimacy and Solitude Audible  Apple  Spotify 

For Forgiveness & Other Acts of Love, Choosing Happiness, In the Company of Rilke: Bolinda

For a wide range of audio editions of Stephanie Dowrick books: Audible  Kobo among other audible booksellers.


January 2025, USA publication by St Martin’s Press. DISCOUNT pre-orders via Amazon US  or your favourite on-line or local bookstore.  Details of the Allen & Unwin edition (ANZ) below.

Compassionate, informed self-therapy with proven results to find inner strength and calm, plus steadying focus and resilience, in an increasingly chaotic world.

‘In Your Name Is Not Anxious, renowned therapist and minister Stephanie Dowrick weaves a powerful net of resources, drawing profoundly on her own experiences, the stories of others, and the insights regarding trouble and care throughout time. This book is a spiritual toolbox that will lift you when things are difficult and sustain you when things are in a stream of ease. Keep it near. It will help you be more human.’ Mark Nepo, author of You Don’t Have to Do It Alone and The Book of Awakening

‘Dr. Dowrick knows what she’s talking about. Despite all her accolades and genius, her book reads like a note from a friend—I felt like she was speaking directly to me. The wisdom offered here is passionate yet gentle, exactly what we need in today’s anxiety-ridden world.’ Dr. Chloe Carmichael, PhD, clinical psychologist and author of Nervous Energy 

‘I’m quite certain Stephanie wrote this book for me. It’s an absolute lifeline for anyone with anxiety.’ Dr Jodi Richardson, speaker, author, and host of Well, hello anxiety podcast

‘This brilliant book effectively addresses one of the biggest emotional epidemics of our time: anxiety. With a deep understanding of not just the psychological but biological aspects, Stephanie Dowrick shares real life, real world tools and how to create a self-therapy healing practice that works. All in one easy to understand volume. I will be recommending this to many!’ Kris Ferraro, author of Your Difference Is Your Strength

‘Stephanie Dowrick’s writing is like sunshine for the growth of our “wise self”. Her words nurture the seeds of kindness, creativity, generosity, aliveness and presence that lie within us all. From Forgiveness & Other Acts of Love to Your name is not Anxious, Stephanie’s words and insights have enriched my life with wisdom, hope, and courage.’

Professor Marie Bismark, Consultant Psychiatrist

‘The breadth of the territory this book explores is what impresses me most…. Her down-to-earth suggestions and compelling vignettes of real people, young and old, as they struggle with anxiety make this an especially valuable handbook for anyone caught in its grip – and for those trying to help them escape it.’ Lisa Alther, author of Kinflicks and Swan Song  

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A perennial favourite completely updated (January 2025. DISCOUNT pre-orders via Amazon or your local bookstore.

‘Shot through with invaluable practical advice and decades of accumulated wisdom, this gift of a book unlocked parts of me I didn’t know existed by leading me on a transformative journey of self-discovery that enhanced my creative freedom.’

Donna M Cameron, author of The Rewilding

 ‘Nourishment for the soul. Stephanie Dowrick is a marvellous writing mentor and through this book she gives us the tools to teach ourselves. These lessons helped unlock my writing life. I hope they do the same for you.’ Juliette O’Brien OAM, journalist

 ‘Good fortune brings books and people into our lives. Sent by a higher power however we understand it. I’m calling it Love. Stephanie Dowrick is this person and Creative Journal Writing is the book.  Seemingly out of the blue and right on time.  How to turn my ruminating into reflection, and what comes of the process of simply being with myself with pen and paper. I have yearned for this insight and this how-to.  It’s changing everything.’  Susana Lei’ataua – journalist and broadcaster, RNZ National

  ‘To read Creative Journal Writing is a positive joy. As well as it being lucent, calmly clear-eyed, inclusive and incisive, the work reinforces joy on so many levels: the joy of creativity, of writing, of appreciating life. Plus, the spiritual joy and self-knowledge to be gleaned from writing and the satisfaction inherent in having written. Everyone from raw beginner to seasoned pro will gain much from this life-affirming gem. Its welcoming authority and creative richness will enhance your wellbeing.’ Murray Waldren, author of The Mind and Times of Reg Mombassa

‘I love this book. Thank you to Stephanie Dowrick for providing so much depth to this art. There’s nothing more endorsing or affirming than listening to that quiet voice of wisdom inside which is in touch with the Sacred. Stephanie’s writings wholeheartedly welcome each one of us to turn up just as we are.’ Dr Kalvinder Shields, Professor of Economics (University of Melbourne); Executive Council, Meditation Association of Australia

‘It’s brilliant! It was with rising exhilaration that I read Stephanie Dowrick’s book. For me, it was a timely reminder to restore the creative spark to my sixty years of journaling by following the prompts and being reinspired by the excellent case studies. It is equally an invitation to join this master class for those who wish to move on from merely recording daily events. And for those who have yet to delve into the mystery of ordinary everyday life, it will encourage you to pick up the pen or open the computer and get started. The journey awaits.’  Ruth Bonita, public health academic and long-time journal writer

‘Stephanie Dowrick is a wonderful guide to anyone who already journals or wishes to begin. She offers both a helpful handbook on how to write in this most personal of forms, as well as a sensitive exploration of the psychological benefits and opportunities that journal-writing offers.’  Joyce Kornblatt, author of Mother Tongue and writing teacher


Available via Amazon US or Amazon AU

‘In Rilke, we encounter a poet who holds together what often seems at odds: youth and wisdom; focus and freedom; devotion and doubt; God and the self. With Mark S. Burrows and Stephanie Dowrick we are in the safe hands of writers who are sensitive to this exquisite tension of Rilke’s vision, and who also hold it themselves: their scholarship has the quality of music; their spiritual insights have the character of hospitality; their openings are appealing to the expert and the newcomer alike.’ Pádraig Ó Tuama, poet, peace activist, and host of On Being’s ‘Poetry Unbound’

‘Two internationally renowned Rilke scholars bring their life-long pondering on and resonance with the poet’s spiritual wisdom, a way of living shaped by awe, listening, and praise. Their probing of his ‘wiser way’ refuses to build a ‘’Rilke Museum”, inviting us rather to join the adventure of following his vision of ‘living the questions’ so that we, too, might become what he described as the ‘bees of the invisible.’ Prof. Gotthard Fermor, editor of Rainer Maria Rilke, Das Stunden-Buch 

‘A magnificent book, so generous, wise and loving. Anchored in the lived questions that Rilke celebrated, You Are the Future opens to fertile places for soul-making and heart-opening.’ Sally Gillespie, Ph.D., author of Climate Crisis and Consciousness: Re-imagining our World and Ourselves

You Are the Future shows with piercing insight how Rilke’s life and poetry offer a therapy of soul-making, a way of living soulfully in dark times—and what seem, at times, to be end-times—by living into your deepest questions.  Reading it I live the questions of my life, my work, and my relationships by sinking into the stillness of solitude and the serenity of silence. Then I began to hear the song that attunes my life to the breathing of all nature of which I am a part.’ Robert D. Romanyshyn, Ph.D., author of Leaning Toward the Poet: Eavesdropping on the Poetry of Everyday Life

“From the first page of You Are the Future, I felt an aperture widening, both depth and dimension magnified, and was drawn into a more nuanced understanding of Rilke, yes, but also of some of the most perplexing questions about living a wiser way in these often soul-numbing times. To the very last page, I never lost a sense of amazement that poetry written a century ago held such profound and timeless wisdom for this incongruous moment in human history. In so many ways, this might be one book to never put down.’ Barbara Mahany, author of Slowing Time: Seeing the Sacred Outside Your Kitchen Door

‘Burrows’ and Dowrick’s writing mirrors Rilke’s tender urgency, rejecting both the inattention and easy answers that consume our world. Like all great art, it only offers truth—but extends that in abundance’ Benjamin Perry, award-winning author of Cry, Baby: Why Our Tears Matter

(Dr Stephanie’s Dowrick earlier work on Rainer Maria Rilke and the liberating power of deep, true reading is listed below. In the Company of Rilke is available via Amazon AU and Amazon US . Also, as an audio edition read by the author)




Your Name is Not Anxious: A very personal guide to putting anxiety in its place.

Beautifully written by one of the most authentic teachers of our time, no one has ever offered such a holistic, soulful book dealing with this complex topic – anxiety – based on personal experience, insights, research, deep wisdom, and compassion.   Tao de Haas, Clinical psychotherapist and coach

Anxiety and stress are wildfire problems. Why is no secret. You live in a crazily stressful world. What you can do right now needs urgent addressing. With consummate insight and compassion, Stephanie Dowrick offers a new way to look at anxiety (and yourself) that is accessible, supportive and immediately effective. Drawing on decades of professional experience, her own story, plus the latest in mind-body-brain insights, she puts workable knowledge into your hands. Always inspiring, always practical, this book returns the life-changing power of choice and inner security to you—where they belong.

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Intimacy & Solitude: Finding new closeness and self-trust in a distanced world


‘This is a book that can save your emotional life. Finally, someone has deeply, compassionately explored the territory of intimate relationships that can bring such grief as well as joy. Throughout, it offers insights, transformation, and hope. It can surely inspire you to start again.’  Subhana Barzaghi, psychotherapist and Zen Roshi

The quality of your personal relationships has never mattered more. But how do you explore your needs in a world that can seem harsh, judgemental and increasingly isolating? Intimacy & Solitude starts with the most fundamental relationship of all: how you understand and care for your own self. In an age of extreme anxiety, a stable sense of self brings incalculable benefits, supporting all your relationships with others, including the most intimate.

In this book, as in all her others, Stephanie Dowrick enables you simultaneously to understand yourself AND others, putting you ‘in the clear’ when it comes to those strangely self-sabotaging behaviours we all have – until we better understand their origin, and what can take us forward far more positively.

The perennial, increasingly widespread anguish of loneliness is also addressed fully, and clear distinctions are drawn between loneliness – and solitude.

Stephanie Dowrick speaks to Shona Martyn of the Sydney Morning Herald 

Choosing Happiness: Life & Soul Essentials

No. 1 Australian bestseller. Winner of the Nautilus Award (USA) ‘Better Books for a Better World’ —the Silver Award in the category of Psychology and Personal Growth.

This book is written in immediately accessible yet thoroughly illuminating ‘grabs’ that prompt and inspire you on the day-to-day choices that lead you towards a more generous, rewarding and far freer way of life and being. ‘Happiness’ is not simply positivity or even pleasure. It’s a capacity to appreciate yourself and others from the inside out, and to discover which of your responses are serving you well, and which are not.  Suitable for all ages, this book demonstrates throughout that we can make choices that lift us: not just our ‘mood’ but our capacity to dive deeper into life with greater trust.  And far more reliable enjoyment.

Choosing Happiness is a companion for the happy and not-so-happy times in your life when you need inspiration and comfort and a reminder of the fundamental essentials required to make a difference in how we experience our lives and how we affect the lives of others – a remarkable book” Pink (UK)

“Every page offers incredible insights…. If you crave to live your life in a more powerful, proactive and positive way, this is the book is for you.” Health and Fitness (UK)

‘Part self-affirmation, part cognitive psychology and part meditation on the power of generosity, this is a thoughtful and sincere guide for those seeking to find happiness.’ Publishers Weekly (USA)

‘Written with lightness and elegance, a modern bible for the soul.’ The Age, Melbourne

‘Profound and practical [from] Australia’s foremost self-help author…A beautiful book that distils ways to change how you think about yourself and others to live a happy life.’ Sunday Telegraph (UK)

Seeking the Sacred: Transforming our view of ourselves and one another

Seeking the Sacred is like a chalice of wisdom. It overflows with inspired and inspiring quotes and teachings…Through it all is Stephanie Dowrick’s distinct voice…her empathy for how hard the journey is shines alongside her belief that the sacred can illuminate the way home.… While Seeking the Sacred is about personal transformation, it is a political, even polemical work… a rallying cry that to save the planet we must shed our spiritual and cultural provincialism…’   Claire Scobie, Sydney Morning Herald

“[Dowrick] makes the point that a sacred life ultimately rests on how you behave, rather than the ideology you espouse. Seeking the Sacred is beautifully written and extraordinarily insightful. Stephanie Dowrick voices our doubts and questions, and skilfully outlines the truths that address them, providing invaluable guidance and inspiration for the reader. I think this is her best book so far.” Rosamund Burton, Good Reading (A “five star” review)

‘Dowrick furnishes new seekers as well as seasoned believers with a refreshing approach to contemporary spirituality.’ Publishers Weekly (USA)

Throughout time, our human family has sought meaning, connection and purpose, plus answers to the profound questions: ‘Why am I here?’ ‘What is life for?’ We have also responded to a need to honour, respect, feel awe and wonder – and a sense of belonging. Comprehending that life itself is sacred is transformative. Stephanie Dowrick suggests that it is also all that will keep us – and all species and our planet – safe. ‘What we care for and honour, we will protect,’ she writes.

The ’sacred’ does not ‘belong’ to any group, faith, culture, period of time. The sacred belongs to us all. This book charts that, not least through memoir as Stephanie shares her own fascinating, intimate story of seeking, searching – and belonging.

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Heaven on Earth: Timeless Prayers of Wisdom & Love

Winner of the Nautilus Award (USA) ‘Better Books for a Better World’—the Gold Award (Best Book of the Year) in the category of Religion/Spirituality: Other Traditions & Practices.

‘Prayer is a longing of the soul…and an instrument of action.’ Mahatma Gandhi

‘Stephanie Dowrick brings the eternal into time, the Divine to the human and, at the crossroads of this experience, has captured the original spirit of prayer. She is emphatic that the Divine is accessible to all and not a dogmatic prerogative of the few…she has woven a wondrous tapestry of inclusivity.’ Anthony Strano, author of Seeking Silence

‘Stephanie Dowrick emerges as a mystical poet with a radiance of her own in the company of those whose words she has chosen.’ Dr Maj Britt, Vice President of the Academic Governance Council Board of Unity Institute and Seminary (USA)

‘This is a book to use as a pathway into greater awareness, deeper connection, and a more profound sense of gratitude for the gift of life.’ Dr Mark S. Burrows, author and theologian

In times of celebration as well as sorrow, our human family has always turned to the sense of community and ritual that prayer offers. Prayer is also there for moments of intimate, quiet self-discovery. From the most ancient heartfelt prayers to those newly written by Stephanie Dowrick, Heaven on Earth meets your need for dignity, inspiration and sacredness.

Forgiveness & Other Acts of Love

No. 1 Bestseller

‘Through thoughtful observations and compelling stories, Dowrick models for the reader an effective way to consider the journey toward love of others and of self.’ Publishers Weekly (USA)

‘This is indeed a book which I would hold in my hands in a tine of trouble, just to let its wisdom and reassurance seep into my bones.’ Caroline Jones, Sydney Morning Herald

‘Reading Forgiveness is like listening to a wise older sister…Like the great sages, Dowrick is aware that the progress from denial to understanding is a lengthy one, and that true wisdom comes from experiencing all that life can bring and reflecting deeply upon it.’ Anne French, The Listener

In tough times, it’s your deepest inner resources you need. But where do you start? This book – Stephanie Dowrick’s own personal favourite – was written in a time of painful vulnerability that eventually led her to new levels of understanding and appreciation of life. She re-examines the great humane qualities: courage, fidelity, restraint, generosity, tolerance and forgiveness, and makes them relevant for her life. And for yours.

A reader’s report

The Universal Heart: A Practical Guide to Love

No. 1 Bestseller

‘A tour de force of matters of the heart’ Kindred Spirit (UK)

‘Every line in her books is well written…if the various wisdoms she writes about were applied not just to personal relationships but to society in general, then the world would be a better place for everyone.’ Cathrin Schaer, New Zealand Herald

A practical book about love? And the challenges of bringing out the best in yourself AND other people?  YES! In a world where relationship ‘failures’ abound, and fears of not doing or being ‘enough’ dominate, this book is immediately the informed, practical companion we need. Stephanie Dowrick embraces a whole of life view, attentive always to our complexity, yet bravely inspiring. The writing is itself good humoured, forgiving, lit up by consummate storytelling.

‘Deeply attentive and acutely perceptive… infinitely compassionate and accepting’ Josephine Brouard, Women’s Health

‘Celebrates altruism and the precious everyday moments of human connection’  Diane Priestly, The Courier-Mail

‘Filled with ancient wisdom and modern common sense.’ Hephzibah Anderson,

In the Company of Rilke

For those who ‘love poetry’ – and those who do not – here is a highly engaging, enjoyable study of one of literature’s most inspirational and unorthodox voices, Rainer Maria Rilke. The book tells many stories and includes more than 90 of Rilke’s most sublime poems, many translated by poet and scholar Mark S. Burrows. Dr Dowrick – a leading Rilke scholar among her other achievements – offers a fascinating psychological analysis of Rilke’s extraordinary life, and makes vivid why he remains so unusually relevant to 21st-century readers, ‘thinking beyond dogma and orthodoxy’.

‘Stephanie Dowrick’s gift is a capacity for sharing with readers her lifetime’s pleasure in poetry and the company of one of the greatest of poets.’  David Malouf, Poet and novelist

‘This book is lovely: serious, informed, honest, warm, delightful to read. Stephanie Dowrick has accomplished something wonderful, bringing us into the company of the most human of men and into the presence of his astonishingly beautiful poetry.’ John Armstrong, Philosopher and co-author with Alain de Botton of Art as Therapy

‘Stephanie Dowrick’s writing and career are characterised by motifs of renewal and re-imagining..Dowrick’s work is eclectically informed and pioneering… She vividly creates a sense of readerly receptivity to the mysteries of a poem.’ Felicity Plunkett, Sydney Morning Herald

Published in the US by Penguin/Random House; in ANZ by Allen & Unwin.

The Moon Shines Out of the Dark

The Moon Shines Out of the Dark is a tender, touching story for 4-7 year-olds, focusing on an only child, a little boy called Harry. Harry learns through the course of the story that even when he cannot see the moon in the sky, it is there; even when Mum needs to be away for a while, she will return. Imaginative, sensitive (enchanting) boys are not often enough the centre of a child’s picture book. Harry is. And will win your heart. The book is exquisitely illustrated by award-winning artist and illustrator, Anne Spudvilas.

‘A great addition to any bookshelf and a moving story to be shared by families everywhere.’ Australian Bookseller and Publisher

Everyday Kindness

‘Stephanie Dowrick is unashamed to make a stand for wonder and the incredible gift of living.’ Walter Mason, author of Destination Saigon

This exceptionally reader-friendly book offers short, wise and often very entertaining chapters on the great variety of experiences that we call ‘everyday life’. Adding kindness to the mix – or greater care, appreciation, good humour, understanding, and respect – life itself takes a turn for the better. We feel better. We are easier and more comfortable to be around. Stephanie Dowrick writes with surprising passion about foodmoods and exercise: about feeling better from the inside out and the outside in. A parent herself, formerly a psychotherapy guide to many parents (and adult children), she offers insights that lift our thinking too about more relaxed parenting, relationships, self-confidence, personal power.

Many readers continue to miss Stephanie Dowrick’s ‘Inner Life’ column that ran for almost 10 years in the Good Weekend (Sydney Morning Herald and the Age). In Everyday Kindness you have similar short, highly focused, consistently encouraging words of wisdom from the writer described by author and ‘Five of My Life’ host Nigel Marsh as a ‘Godsend’, and by reviewer and writer Claire Scobie as ’empowering’.

Published in the US by Penguin/Random House; in ANZ by Allen & Unwin.

The Almost-Perfect Marriage

This book should really have been called, ‘How to be kind to the people you love best’.

It’s not age, sexuality, wealth, religion or culture that will determine the success of your relationship.  It is your willingness to discover what love truly means.

With just a single idea per page – and using the word ‘marriage’ to include all kinds of committed, loving relationships – Dr Stephanie Dowrick distills some of her wisest thinking about kindness, interest, and respect.  The emphasis throughout is on communication, appreciation, and personal responsibility. A small elegantly designed book – small enough to keep close by – each entry offers insight into how to live as our ‘best selves’, at the same time bringing out the best in others. (We think this one is perfect for that wonderful person who would ‘never read “self-help”‘ but could be intrigued, and inspired, by Stephanie Dowrick’s wit and wisdom.

Free Thinking

‘Stephanie Dowrick voices our doubts and questions, and skilfully outlines the truths that address them, providing invaluable guidance and inspiration for the reader.’ Rosamund Burton, Good Reading

How ‘freely’ do you think about…well, pretty much everything?! These short, highly accessible ‘takes’ on the very real dilemmas of everyday living provide an excellent introduction to Stephanie Dowrick’s work – and writing territory.  She shows that a serious, thoughtful writer can also be witty and self-mocking. In chapters short enough to enjoy in a single reading, Stephanie Dowrick offers her views on subjects as various as: how to worry less and praise morewhat happiness is – and how to achieve it; ageing appreciatively; why and how to meditate; when and whether to marry; why doubt can be useful and how burnout can be avoided.  She also speaks up persuasively for honesty, tolerance and peace in a world where those vital qualities can seem in short supply.

Stephanie Dowrick’s earlier publishing history.